Private Lessons
Along with the cost of ice, there is also a Coach Fee with each private and semi-private lesson. This fee varies with each club coach. To schedule private or semi-private lessons, please contact the Sharper Edge Skating School office.
Email: info@sharperedgeskating.com
Phone: 978-369-0088
All lessons must be scheduled through the office, no club coach is permitted to solicit or schedule lessons independently.
Sharper Edge Skating School has coaches on staff whom specialize in the following areas:
Club // Figure Skating Program
* Freestyle Figure Skating * Moves in the Field * Ice Dancing *
* Synchronized Skating * Team Skating * Theatre on Ice *
Learn to Skate
*Hockey Edge * Stick & Puck *
Sharper Edge Skating School staff members are often available for private and semi-private lessons. These lessons allow a skater the flexibility to work on specific skills and cater to their individual needs and learning style. The added attention often enhances a skater’s technique and overall skating.
Valley Sports Arena offers Special Ice in which can be used for additional lessons. A schedule of ice time can be found in the Sharper Edge Skating School office and varies throughout the year. Please check back regularly for an updated schedule. Below are costs for an individual skater to use Special Ice. Payment can be made prior to taking the ice via Venmo to @Dawn-DiMinico.
Special Ice Schedule
Special Ice Fees:
30 Mins = $21.00
45 Mins = $23.00
60 Mins = $25.00